
Conference 03.03.2021

Раз в два года ФГБНУ ФНЦ ВНИИМК проводит научную конференцию с участием молодых ученых и специалистов, студентов вузов Российской Федерации и зарубежья в целях популяризации науки среди молодых специалистов ...

VNIIMK events 30.12.2020
Сегодня состоялась встреча молодых ученых ФГБНУ ФНЦ ВНИИМК и врио директора Лукомца В.М.
На заседании подвели итоги и заслушали отчет об участии молодых учёных и специалистов Федерального государственного бюджетного...
VNIIMK events 04.12.2020
During the event, there were reviewed topics on the basics of genetics and breeding of oil crops (sunflower, soybean, cruciferous crops), methods of the establishment of field agrotechnological experiments, methods of field and laboratory research on the protection of oil crops from diseases and pests, methodological approaches in determining the economic efficiency of field experiments. The event was aimed at young scientists and specialists from various scientific and educational institutions of the Russian Federation related to agriculture.
Conference 25.11.2020
We invite you to take part in the 11th All-Russian conference with international participation of young scientists and specialists “The current issues of biology, breeding, cultivation technology and processing of agricultural crops”, which will be held on February 25-26, 2021 at V.S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Crops at the address: 17 Filatova street, Krasnodar, 350038, Russia.