Laboratory of sunflower hybrid breeding

Oksana Mikhailovna BORISENKO

Head of the laboratory of sunflower hybrid breeding
PhD in biology

Tel., fax: (861) 254-15-50

The laboratory was established in 1973. Currently, the main research directions of the laboratory are:

— breeding of highly productive mid-early hybrids with ecological plasticity and complex resistance to main pathogens of the supposed zones of release;

— development of early-maturing hybrids able to provide maturation of seeds in regions with short frost-free periods;

— obtaining the parent material and hybrids with improved quality of oil in seeds;

— obtaining parent material for breeding of large-seeded hybrids with seeds of confectionery type.

In addition to the development of the parent material for breeding hybrids, the laboratory conducts research to evaluate the yield potential of sunflower, depending on the agro-ecological conditions of the cultivation regions.